Monday, June 30, 2008

Philosophy and Ethics: Says Who?

Tonight in our second Truth Project tour we looked at Philosophy and Ethics and looked at a lot of interesting perceptions on tough questions including:

What is Right? What is Wrong? What is Philosophy? Are the "cosmos really all there is, ever was, or ever will be?" What is existence? What is the meaning and purpose of life?

Check out this famous picture of Plato and Aristotle at the school of Athens debating whether the universals in life give meaning to the particulars or if the particulars point us to the universals.

Want to know more about the first postmodern building? Check out the Wexner Center for the Arts at Ohio State University designed by Peter Eisenman with "staircases leading nowhere, pillars that serve no purpose, and an overall senseless building that begs the question, 'Did he do the same with the foundation?'"

With postmodern buildings and no real sense of absolute truth, how many people in America have a Biblical Worldview? Only 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview and only 9% of Christians according to a Barna Study done in 2003. Check out more details of the study here.

I look forward to next week as we look at Man and the problem of evil. Let me know what your thoughts are on Philosophy and Ethics in Tour #2.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I Love the Angels

Last week in college group we talked about the different things in life that bring us joy as we looked at Philippians 4 and when I talked about joy and happiness I immediately thought of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (even though I'm not a big fan of their "LA" move). My dad, uncles, cousins and I love to watch baseball and especially the Angels and Cardinals. After Fall of 2002 I got the World Series DVD as a gift from my parents and proceeded to watch it about a dozen times over my Christmas break from High School.

I remember watching Spiezio's 3-run homer in game 6 that brought the Angels back into the game. Then I had the thrill of a lifetime of going out to Game 7 with my dad and seeing the Angels win their first ever World Series.

It is amazing how tied you can get to a sports team and the desire to see them do well. Last night they no-hit the Dodgers for 8 innings and still lost, but they won today. Check out their website, one of my top visited sites, Angels Do you follow a sports team "religiously"? Which team?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Truth Project Tour #2 Philosophy & Ethics

This Monday night our Truth Project Tour will take us head on with Philosophy and Ethics. Hear about the house with staircases leading nowhere, life inside and outside of the box, and much more. Get a taste of what we will be going through with this teaser.

As a reminder we meet at 7pm Monday nights at my apartment.

What is Truth?

On Monday night at my apartment we started our Truth Project tour looking at veritology the study of truth and what impact truth has on our lives.

We processed through the haunting question, "Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?"

Looked at the Cosmic Battle of Truth vs. Lies...

Asked why did Jesus come into the world? Finish this statement, "For this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to ___________________________."
John 18:37

We heard from interviews on the street of what people believe truth is, heard from experts to learn what truth is - "that which propositionally corresponds to reality from God's perspective" and asked ourselves what our prayer lives would be like if we really believed that each time we pray we enter into God's throne room and he hears us.

Not too bad for a first week. If you missed it and want to get caught up before you come this Monday let me know and I can work out a time for you to watch tour #1.

Join us this upcoming Monday night at 7pm at my apartment, 11345 Los Osos Valley Rd. Apt. E. If you need directions post a comment and I'll get back to you shortly.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Truth Project Tour #1 Tonight

Alright, so now I am getting ready to post more often and keep everyone updated on what is happening with the Truth Project in SLO this summer.

Tonight we will be meeting at 7pm at my apartment, 11345 Los Osos Valley Rd. Apt. E My apartment is off of Los Osos Valley Rd. (LOVR) in the Irish Hills Apartment Complex. From LOVR turn on Royal Way toward the Irish Hills, away from Laguna Lake and take a right at the second driveway and drive until the parking lot corners to the right, you'll see some dumpsters in the corner and the golf course straight out. Park in any space facing away from the apartment buildings and walk on the stepping stones through the grass between two apartments and up the stairs to the left where you will see my apartment E. It's easier than it sounds...

In case you are wondering what we will be looking at tonight, here is a teaser for lesson 1, Veritology

See you tonight at 7pm

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What's My Age Again?"

I can't believe my first year of my life out of school is already over and I am now 23. Although I am not a Blink 182 fan at all when I hear the age 23 tossed around I think of the song "What's my age again?" On that note I do feel like I have a hard time remembering what my actual age is right after my birthday.

My birthday has been lots of fun so far. I will go ahead and start it with yesterday when I started celebrating by playing a round of disc golf at Heilman which Austin dominated with a +2. I had a rough "first hole" and couldn't hit puts, but I had a great time overall. Then we got In-N-Out, I did some reading and went over to Pat's house to enjoy some bocce and and BBQ. Lots of fun yesterday and then it finished off with watching August Rush with Sheila at her place.

Anybody seen August Rush? What are your thoughts on it? I do think that music shows that there is something greater and outside of us that is drawing us. It is the music of great design and love of God that draws us to look for something more than what we see.

Time for me to head out and hit up the Grace Annual Congregational Meeting!

It's a beautiful day!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Finally Hopping On the Blog Train

After months of thinking about starting a blog and putting it off I am finally hopping on to the blog scene. At many points throughout my weeks I have thoughts I want to lay out and get feedback on and this morning after reading an article, The Greener Grass Conspiracy, I realized my intent desire to find my joy and satisfaction in what I am doing and the relationships I am in.

The article also brought out one of my favorite Jim Elliot quotes that my sisters commonly shared with each other across the miles and I joined in on, Wherever you are, Be all There. I can't be everywhere that I want to be or doing something "fun" all the time. There are the simple mundane tasks that I must do at some point (like cleaning the bathroom that I am putting off now) and I need to seek joy in doing them and to glorify God in whatever I do. Wherever I am and whatever I do I must submit it all before the Lord.

God, I pray that you will bring me joy and show me the ways that you are at work in my life and in the lives of those around me.