Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back on the Grind Again

"back on the grind again you know it's been a little while but it's time again"

I know it's been a while since I posted on my blog, not because I haven't been thinking, I just haven't taken the time to put my thoughts together for a blog post.

When I am lacking ambition and creativity, though, I can turn to Lecrae to give me an idea. The title and first line of the post come from his song Jesus Muzik. Pretty sweet and it makes me wanna "ride with my top down listening to some Jesus Muzik."

Here's the video for Jesus Muzik

If you listen carefully to his lyrics you can hear Lecrae rap the gospel...

Check out the Mars Hill website to hear an interview between the pastor of worship and Mars Hill and Lecrae with the focus on lyrical theology in his songs. In his interview he is totally humble and wants his music to be Christocentric and deflect glory to Christ. He is about redeeming hip hop from it's idolatrous nature and even says his music is "almost like your listening to the Bible when you push play..."

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