Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What is Truth?

On Monday night at my apartment we started our Truth Project tour looking at veritology the study of truth and what impact truth has on our lives.

We processed through the haunting question, "Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?"

Looked at the Cosmic Battle of Truth vs. Lies...

Asked why did Jesus come into the world? Finish this statement, "For this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to ___________________________."
John 18:37

We heard from interviews on the street of what people believe truth is, heard from experts to learn what truth is - "that which propositionally corresponds to reality from God's perspective" and asked ourselves what our prayer lives would be like if we really believed that each time we pray we enter into God's throne room and he hears us.

Not too bad for a first week. If you missed it and want to get caught up before you come this Monday let me know and I can work out a time for you to watch tour #1.

Join us this upcoming Monday night at 7pm at my apartment, 11345 Los Osos Valley Rd. Apt. E. If you need directions post a comment and I'll get back to you shortly.


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